Web application UI automation using Selenium Web driver, Java, Eclipse

Web application UI automation using Selenium Web driver

Currently many of the applications are web based and many companies are moving their existing applications to web, so it is very important to test quality of web application build. If some functionality of web application is developed completely and new features/ improvements are being implemented in the web application it is very important to be careful about your existing functionality should not break. Automation helps in these situations. You can automate the test cases/stories for your existing feature and run them against the new released build so that manual efforts can be reduced and accuracy can be achieved.

To start with automation of web application UI automation there are many tools that can be used e.g. Selenium RC, Selenium Web Driver, Watir, Watin, QTP etc.
Selenium is the good tool to get start with because of following reasons:
- -          Open source
- -          Good community support
- -          Good library support and incremental updates
- -           Support for multiple browsers etc.

Selenium web driver interacts natively with browser application in order to find elements/ performing actions etc.
To get started with automating the web application you have to               create a web driver object of the browser you are going to use.
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

Please note that here I am using Firefox browser.

As discussed in post ‘http://mayureshkulkarni-49.blogspot.in/2014/07/automation-of-windows-native.html’, for UI automate of any application we are using mnemonic:

-          W (Wait) for element to load, visible, enable etc.
When you navigate any web page you wait for the element to get visible/ enable (Of course for that you need to find the element and keep on validating it)
For this you can have your own logic, following is sample logic for the same:
int tryCount = 0;
WebElement element;
// find element
element = <find_element_logic>
// wait
catch {}
while((element == null && !element.Enabled) && tryCount < MAX_RETRY_CNT);

In above code snippet you can set any value for MX_RETRY_CNT depending on your web application page load time. I am setting up as 120 here, i.e if page is not loaded in ~60 seconds it will break from the element finding logic.
Waiting logic:
1.       Implicit wait: (C#.Net)
protected IWebElement WaitTillElementFound(int timeOut, OpenQA.Selenium.By findBy)
            IWebElement result = null;
            int wait = 0;
            // Find out first level
                     WebDriverWait webwait = new WebDriverWait(
                            webDriver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
                        result = webwait.Until<IWebElement>(
                            (d) =>
                                    return (IWebElement)webDriver.FindElement(findBy);
                        if (result != null)
                            if (result.Displayed)
                catch (NoSuchElementException)
                catch (StaleElementReferenceException)
                catch (WebDriverException)
            while (result == null && wait < timeOut);

            return result;

2. Explicit wait:
public bool WaitForElement(string elementType, string elementValue)
            int count = 0;
                    IWebElement element = null;
                    switch (elementType)
                        case "XPATH": element = this.FindControlByXPath(elementValue);
                        case "ID": element = this.FindControlById(elementValue);
                        case "NAME": element = this.FindControlByName(elementValue);
                        case "CLASS": element = this.FindControlByClass(elementValue);

                    // Verify if element present or not
                    if (null != element)
                        if (element.Displayed)
                            return true;
                catch (Exception) { }
            while (count < timeoutWait);
            return false;

-          F (Find) the web element:
Once the page load gets completed you can get the element object by finding it using below mechanism: Id, XPath, name, classname, text, link text, partial link text, tag etc.
You can follow the same precedence in which above mechanisms re arranged. Try finding the element by Id, if the Id attribute is not present for the web element then go for the XPath then name etc.

Web element can be found by using following statements:

// get the driver object.
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.id("id_of_element"));
WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.xpath("\\xpath_of_element"));

Finding xpath of elements covered in blog ‘Finding Xpaths of a web element’.
           V (Validate) the element:
Validating is important to verify if the page is loaded successfully or if you want to perform any actions on the element without getting into the unnecessary exceptions. E.g.  NullRefExceptions, ElementNotEnabledException etc.
protected void ValidateElement(
            IWebElement element)
// verify that web element should not be null and disabled before performing any action.
If (element != null && element.Enabled)
  // Perform action
-          A (Action) that you can perform on the web element after validating it
Once the element is found and validated successfully you are good to go for performing action on that element.
// click on button

Some of the event that was handled using Javascript code can be triggered using Javascript actions that were provided by Selenium libraries.
IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)WebDriver;

            js.ExecuteScript("$(arguments[0]).click()", this.webElement);


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