Jenkins Server setup scheduled test suite executions

Login Password will be saved at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\secrets\initialAdminPassword

1. Start apache tomcat
2. Download zip for apache tomcat - extract it to the folder and from bin location run the startup.bat as 
3. admin to start the tomcat servlet container.
http://localhost:8080 (is the default port where it runs)
4. Copy the jenkins.war file to the webapps folder so that on starting tomcat it can also get started.
http://localhost:8080/jenkins (for jenkins web UI)

Run jenkins war with java standalone command (jetty & Winstone - servlet containers)
java -jar jenkins.war (default port is 8080). To run on specific port use java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=9090

Start with Jenkins:
  1. Manage Users, Roles
  2. Plugins - catlight (notification area - build status), pipeline (delivery, build), Blue ocean (New UI) :
  3. Email notifications
  4. Basic configuration  - no of jobs can run in parallel, labels, project naming conventions, Global properties/ variables
  5. Nodes configuration - lables
  6. Jobs - icons, trigger remotely (using token name - JENKINS_URL/job/testjob1/build?token=TOKEN_NAME => http://localhost:8080/job/testjob1/build?token=1234), scheduling, SCM polling, dependency on project (build after another job built)
