Android app automation using Calabash Setup details

Android app automation using Calabash
Tools required:
1.       Android SDK
2.       Ruby 1.9.3 +
3.       Apache ant
4.       JDK
5.       USB Driver of mobile connectivity

After installing above all tools follow the steps below.

1.       Add following paths to environment variable
JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\bin
ANDROID_HOME (till sdk): E:\Automation\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140321\sdk
Path variables:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin;

2.       Open command prompt after setting all these variables
3.       Run command:
gem calabash-android : this will install calabash
4.       Create a workspace for the project:
5.       Navigate to above path in CMD:  ‘cd E:\Automation\Calabash’
6.       Run command
calabash-android gen
It will create a Cucumber skeleton in the current folder like this:

| |_app_installation_hooks.rb
| |_app_life_cycle_hooks.rb
| |_env.rb
| |_hooks.rb
| |_calabash_steps.rb
In this skeleton you find all the predefined steps that comes with calabash. Try to take a look my_first.feature and change it to fit your app.
7.       Paste apk file for your app, keystore file at location workspace location in parallel to feature folder i.e ‘E:\Automation\Calabash
8.       Resign your apk using command: ‘calabash-android resign <apk_name>
9.       Connect mobile device to the laptop
10.   Run apk file using command: ‘calabash-android run <apk_name>’ and verify that app is running on mobile device
11.   Terminate Running app using Ctrl+C
12.   To find elements in your app Run command: “calabash-android console <apk name>
13.   If App is closed in device then launch it manually.
Fire following command to find elements.
query(“*”) : Will give list of all elements available in current screen of app.
query(“Button”): Find all Buttons
query(“button text: ‘User name’”)
query(“button index: 4”)

    [ 1] {
                        "id" => nil,
                   "enabled" => true,
        "contentDescription" => nil,
                      "text" => "Localization (L10n) locator test",
                       "tag" => nil,
               "description" => "android.widget.TextView@417cf028",
                     "class" => "android.widget.TextView",
                      "rect" => {
            "center_y" => 137,
            "center_x" => 139,
              "height" => 29,
                   "y" => 123,
               "width" => 278,
                   "x" => 0
    [ 2] {
                        "id" => "buttonTest",
                   "enabled" => true,
        "contentDescription" => "buttonTestCD",
                      "text" => "EN Button",
                       "tag" => nil,
               "description" => "android.widget.Button@417cf868",
                     "class" => "android.widget.Button",
                      "rect" => {
            "center_y" => 141,
            "center_x" => 341,
              "height" => 72,
                   "y" => 105,
               "width" => 127,
                   "x" => 278
    [3] {
                        "id" => "imageView",
                   "enabled" => true,
        "contentDescription" => "imageViewCD",
                     "class" => "android.widget.LinearLayout",
                      "rect" => {
            "center_y" => 222,
            "center_x" => 240,
              "height" => 91,
                   "y" => 177,
               "width" => 480,
                   "x" => 0
                       "tag" => nil,
               "description" => "android.widget.LinearLayout@417d04e8"
    [4] {
                        "id" => "buttonStartWebview",
                   "enabled" => true,
        "contentDescription" => "buttonStartWebviewCD",
                     "class" => "android.widget.ImageButton",
                      "rect" => {
            "center_y" => 222,
            "center_x" => 120,
              "height" => 91,
                   "y" => 177,
               "width" => 240,
                   "x" => 0
                       "tag" => nil,
               "description" => "android.widget.ImageButton@417d09c0"
    [5] {
                        "id" => "startUserRegistration",
                   "enabled" => true,
        "contentDescription" => "startUserRegistrationCD",
                     "class" => "android.widget.ImageButton",
                      "rect" => {
            "center_y" => 222,
            "center_x" => 360,
              "height" => 91,
                   "y" => 177,
               "width" => 240,
                   "x" => 240
                       "tag" => nil,
               "description" => "android.widget.ImageButton@417d5510"
    [6] {
                        "id" => "my_text_field",
                   "enabled" => true,
        "contentDescription" => "my_text_fieldCD",
                      "text" => "",
                       "tag" => nil,
               "description" => "android.widget.EditText@417da1e8",
                     "class" => "android.widget.EditText",
                      "rect" => {
            "center_y" => 304,
            "center_x" => 240,
              "height" => 72,
                   "y" => 268,
               "width" => 480,
                   "x" => 0
    [7] {
                        "id" => "lastElementRow",
                   "enabled" => true,
        "contentDescription" => "imageViewCD",
                     "class" => "android.widget.LinearLayout",
                      "rect" => {
            "center_y" => 376,
            "center_x" => 240,
              "height" => 72,
                   "y" => 340,
               "width" => 480,
                   "x" => 0
                       "tag" => nil,
               "description" => "android.widget.LinearLayout@417db428"
    [8] {
                        "id" => "waitingButtonTest",
                   "enabled" => true,
        "contentDescription" => "waitingButtonTestCD",
                      "text" => "Show Progress Bar for a while",
                       "tag" => nil,
               "description" => "android.widget.Button@417db738",
                     "class" => "android.widget.Button",
                      "rect" => {
            "center_y" => 376,
            "center_x" => 151,
              "height" => 72,
                   "y" => 340,
               "width" => 302,
                   "x" => 0
    [9] {
                        "id" => "input_adds_check_box",
                   "enabled" => true,
        "contentDescription" => nil,
                      "text" => "I accept adds",
                       "tag" => nil,
               "description" => "android.widget.CheckBox@417dc530",
                     "class" => "android.widget.CheckBox",
                      "rect" => {
            "center_y" => 385,
            "center_x" => 391,
              "height" => 72,
                   "y" => 349,
               "width" => 178,
                   "x" => 302
                   "checked" => true
    [10] {
                        "id" => "visibleTestArea",
                   "enabled" => true,
        "contentDescription" => "visibleTestAreaCD",
                     "class" => "android.widget.LinearLayout",
                      "rect" => {
            "center_y" => 448,
            "center_x" => 240,
              "height" => 72,
                   "y" => 412,
               "width" => 480,
                   "x" => 0
                       "tag" => nil,
               "description" => "android.widget.LinearLayout@417dd678"

For More help please refer following links:
14.   Start creating feature file in the path Workspace\features folder ,i.e ‘E:\Automation\Calabash\features

